Divorce and Holiday traditions

Divorce is stressful add kids and sprinkle the holidays on top; you have a making for a ticking bomb. After a divorce, it’s not uncommon for the holidays to feel overwhelming, especially as you’re trying to learn the ropes of being alone. The holidays can unfortunately serve as a reminder that with divorce comes change. Holiday traditions you shared as a family may no longer bring the same sense of joy that they once did.

Holiday celebrations after divorce are going to be different even if you’re friendly with your ex. Acknowledging this with yourself and your kids is vital.

Holiday Traditions such as traveling or staying at home will gain new meaning. Most couples do not continue holidaying together after a divorce. You may also find that your traditional holiday destinations or even staying in your home no longer has that same appeal.

While change can feel a little odd. It can also provide great opportunity to create new holiday traditions! Embracing this change means that holidays after divorce can be just as much fun as those before it.

If you are staying in the family home, try changing up decorations and talking with the kids about new traditions and activities. It’s very important that everyone feels included.

A new set of decorations along with a new fun family function can make a huge difference. If traveling was something your family enjoyed, try traveling to new destinations this will help to make new family adventures and holiday traditions.

If you moved out of the family home and are starting the holidays at a new location this can cause emotions to skyrocket. Be prepared to embrace those emotions.

Get out the house, walk the new neighborhood and enjoy your new surroundings. Take part in some of the neighborhood holiday festivities.

Did you always want to do something different for the holidays and your ex shot it down? Now is your time to make the call to do the traditions you simply couldn’t before. I guarantee that if you dig deep, you’ll be able to find a few that now, you can do alone or with the kids.